The Best
Online Free
QR Code Scanner
Instantly scan Qr Codes using Plotterwave Qr code scanner
No scanned data. You can scan with your camera or by uploading the QR Code photo.
QR Code Scanner
Our Qr Code scanner is the perfect tool to scan your Qr Codes from anywhere at any time with ease. Also, check out Qr Code Generator which will generate your Qr Code. Qr Codes generated on our website do not expire, generate for free use forever!

A QR code scanner is an optical device or app (web, mobile, desktop) that can access the encoded information stored in a QR code.
- Our Qr Code reader will request for permission to use your camera, click on allow to accept the request
- If for some reasons the above didn't work goto your browser settings and allow camera on website
- And then the video will be enabled which you can see on your browser.
- Position the code to the video center by pointing it to your camera
- Move back and forth slightly while pointing to your camera until your Qr code is detected
- Once scanned successfully, the result will be displayed on your screen.
Have more questions?
Good thing you asked. Qr Codes are used in goods, advertising, mobile apps, also tech gaints like Amazon, Google, Facebook and iPhone uses Qr Codes on the products. With that been said, Qr code is a safe technology as it stores the information of a product and when scanned will reveal the information unaltered. With our Qr Code Generator your can create your own private Qr code.
- We provide you a free Qr code scanner that can scan your stored photo or hard copy photo by using your device camera
- Our Qr code Scanner is easy to use
- On a successful scan, the result will be displayed on the screen
- We use latest technology to scan your Qr code.
- You can also use our free Qr Code Generator to create your private qr codes
With Facebook Qr code, you can easily login to your account without using your email and password. In 2016 Facebook started allowing their users to use Qr code to access their accounts by using either their computers or mobile device to scan the Qr Code associated with thier account. All they have to do is to scan the Qr Code and they will be automaticatlly granted access to their account. A lot of people preferred this feature because of it's ease of use.