Top 10 Insurance Companies In Nigeria

Top 10 Insurance Companies In Nigeria

Nigeria’s insurance sector is pivotal in protecting assets, managing risks, and boosting economic growth.

Over recent years, the industry has evolved significantly, with several standout companies making their mark through strong performance, high customer satisfaction, and innovative offerings.

Top Insurance Companies In Nigeria

This article explores the top 10 insurance companies in Nigeria, examining their achievements, turnover, and market developments from 2022 to 2023.

1. AIICO Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 110,119,382
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 88,275,920
  • Growth (2022-2023): 24.74%
  • Market Share (2023): 10.98%

Since its inception in 1963, AIICO Insurance has been a trailblazer in Nigeria’s insurance landscape. Known for its extensive range of life, health, and general insurance products, AIICO’s turnover saw a significant 24.74% rise from 2022 to 2023. This growth highlights its dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction, solidifying its leading role with a 10.98% market share.

2. Leadway Assurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 104,400,000
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 92,529,579
  • Growth (2022-2023): 12.83%
  • Market Share (2023): 10.41%

Founded in 1970, Leadway Assurance continues to be a major player in Nigeria’s insurance sector. With a diverse portfolio spanning life, health, and property insurance, the company achieved a 12.83% increase in turnover over the past year. Leadway’s strong market presence and effective risk management strategies make it a popular choice among Nigerians.

3. Custodian and Allied Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 98,840,784
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 84,416,502
  • Growth (2022-2023): 17.09%
  • Market Share (2023): 9.85%

Custodian and Allied Insurance, a significant player in the Nigerian insurance scene, offers a broad spectrum of services, including life and general insurance. The company’s 17.09% turnover growth between 2022 and 2023 reflects its strategic expansion and strong customer loyalty, securing a 9.85% market share.

4. AXA Mansard Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 86,847,270
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 68,980,045
  • Growth (2022-2023): 25.90%
  • Market Share (2023): 8.66%

As part of the global AXA Group, AXA Mansard Insurance has continually pushed the envelope in Nigeria’s insurance market. Its turnover surged by 25.90% from 2022 to 2023, thanks to its innovative products and international expertise. With a market share of 8.66%, AXA Mansard caters to both individuals and businesses with its extensive insurance services.

5. NEM Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 62,708,320
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 33,369,050
  • Growth (2022-2023): 87.92%
  • Market Share (2023): 6.25%

Established in 1948, NEM Insurance has demonstrated extraordinary growth, with its turnover skyrocketing by 87.22% in just one year. Offering a range of products from motor to aviation insurance, NEM’s impressive growth reflects its focus on customer satisfaction and market expansion, earning a 6.25% market share.

6. Mutual Benefits Assurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 44,579,730
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 33,481,296
  • Growth (2022-2023): 33.15%
  • Market Share (2023): 4.45%

Known for its customer-centric approach, Mutual Benefits Assurance saw a 33.15% increase in turnover from 2022 to 2023. The company’s diverse insurance offerings and adaptability to market changes have earned it 4.45% market share, reflecting its growing influence.

7. Cornerstone Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 30,626,889
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 22,246,121
  • Growth (2022-2023): 37.67%
  • Market Share (2023): 3.05%

Cornerstone Insurance is recognized for its innovative insurance solutions. With a 37.67% increase in turnover over the past year, the company’s emphasis on digital transformation and customer engagement has helped it secure a 3.05% market share.

8. Coronation Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 26,409,637
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 19,835,299
  • Growth (2022-2023): 33.14%
  • Market Share (2023): 2.63%

Formerly known as Wapic Insurance, Coronation Insurance boasts a 33.14% growth in turnover. Its commitment to customer satisfaction and market growth has solidified its presence, with a market share of 2.63%.

9. Sovereign Trust Insurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 19,319,200
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 15,194,428
  • Growth (2022-2023): 27.15%
  • Market Share (2023): 1.93%

Sovereign Trust Insurance has built a solid reputation with a 27.15% turnover increase. Offering various insurance products, its commitment to quality service has earned it a 1.93% market share.

10. Lasaco Assurance

  • 2023 Turnover: NGN 18,181,820
  • 2022 Turnover: NGN 13,908,476
  • Growth (2022-2023): 30.72%
  • Market Share (2023): 1.81%

Lasaco Assurance, established in 1979, has seen a 30.72% increase in turnover. Known for its extensive range of insurance products, Lasaco’s 1.81% market share underscores its ongoing relevance and competitiveness.

Rank Companies 2023 turnover 2022 turnover 2022-2023 evolution (1) 2023 shares
1 AIICO Insurance 110 119 382 122 233 88 275 920 196 855 24.74% 10.98%
2 Leadway Assurance 104 400 000 115 884 92 529 579 206 341 12.83% 10.41%
3 Custodian and Allied Insurance 98 840 784 109 713 84 416 502 188 249 17.09% 9.85%
4 AXA Mansard Insurance 86 847 270 96 400 68 980 045 153 825 25.90% 8.66%
5 NEM Insurance 62 708 320 69 606 33 369 050 74 413 87.92% 6.25%
6 Mutual Benefits Assurance 44 579 730 49 483 33 481 296 74 663 33.15% 4.45%
7 Cornerstone Insurance 30 626 889 33 996 22 246 121 49 609 37.67% 3.05%
8 Coronation Insurance 26 409 637 29 315 19 835 299 44 233 33.14% 2.63%
9 Sovereign Trust Insurance 19 319 200 21 444 15 194 428 33 884 27.15% 1.93%
10 Lasaco Assurance 18 181 820 20 182 13 908 476 31 016 30.72% 1.81%
Total 602 033 032 668 256 472 236 716 1 053 088 27.49% 60.02%
Rest of the market (2) 401 166 968 445 296 253 963 284 566 338 57.96% 39.98%
Grand total 1 003 200 000 1 113 552 726 200 000 1 619 426 38.14% 100%


The Nigerian insurance industry has shown remarkable dynamism and growth. The top 10 companies are leading the way with their innovation, customer satisfaction, and financial strength. These companies have not only boosted their turnover from 2022 to 2023 but have also expanded their market presence, demonstrating their significant role in the sector.

AIICO Insurance, Leadway Assurance, and Custodian and Allied Insurance are at the forefront with their impressive turnover and market shares. Meanwhile, firms like NEM Insurance and Mutual Benefits Assurance highlight the sector’s vibrant and evolving nature.

As Nigeria’s economy continues to develop, the insurance industry will be crucial in managing risks and safeguarding assets. The top 10 companies featured here are well-equipped to lead this charge, offering diverse products and services to meet the evolving needs of Nigerians.

With continued growth on the horizon, these companies are set to drive innovation and maintain high standards of customer service, ensuring robust protection in an ever-changing world.

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