Apply Now: FG Launches GCIP Cleantech Ecosystem For Start-Ups, SMEs

Apply Now: FG Launches GCIP Cleantech Ecosystem For Start-Ups, SMEs

The Federal Government has taken a major step forward in nurturing innovation and supporting startups and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) with the launch of the National Cleantech Innovation Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (CIEE).

This initiative aims to foster innovative solutions in the cleantech sector, enhancing economic development and contributing to climate change mitigation.

Event Highlights and Objectives

The launch event for the CIEE took place in Abuja and was organized by the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) Nigeria.

This program is a part of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Chief Uche Nnaji, the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Technology, spoke at the event, emphasizing the CIEE’s potential to drive economic growth, improve access to renewable energy, and support broader climate action initiatives.

He noted, “The launch of the CIEE is a testament to our commitment to supporting emerging SMEs offering innovative Cleantech solutions, driving Nigeria’s economic development, enhancing renewable energy access, and contributing to broader climate change actions.”

Addressing Challenges

Minister Nnaji highlighted several challenges faced by cleantech enterprises in Nigeria, such as:

  • Insufficient policy and regulatory support
  • Limited access to financing
  • A weak innovation ecosystem

He outlined the GCIP’s three-pillar framework designed to tackle these issues:

  1. Transforming early-stage cleantech solutions into scalable businesses.
  2. Strengthening the cleantech innovation ecosystem.
  3. Ensuring effective project coordination.

Phase One Success and Future Goals

The initial phase of the GCIP Nigeria project provided technical assistance and conducted three cycles of the GCIP Nigeria Accelerator.

Moving forward, the focus shifts to Component 2, which is spearheaded by the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology (FMIST) with support from UNIDO. This phase aims to:

  • Build and interconnect the institutional capacity of CIEE actors.
  • Develop supportive policies.
  • Promote collaborations.
  • Ensure inclusion of gender and youth.

The Role of Technology Incubation

Dr. Uchenna Chukwu, Director-General of the National Board for Technology Incubation (NBTI), stressed the importance of innovative entrepreneurship for commercializing technology, creating wealth, and enhancing global competitiveness.

He pointed out NBTI’s role in providing essential facilities and support services to entrepreneurs through technology incubation centers.

UNIDO’s Commitment

Mr. Oluyomi Banjo, UNIDO’s national program coordinator for environment and energy, highlighted the necessity of cleantech in Nigeria and the role of CIEE in creating a supportive environment for these enterprises.

He praised the success of Nigerian SMEs in winning global awards, showcasing the country’s potential in the cleantech sector.

Banjo expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology for their dedication to improving cleantech in Nigeria and reaffirmed UNIDO’s commitment to supporting inclusive and sustainable industrial development.

Goals of the CIEE

The primary objectives of the CIEE include:

  • Enhancing knowledge creation.
  • Building capacity.
  • Developing an innovation strategy aligned with Nigeria’s climate goals.
  • Establishing a cleantech delivery framework.
  • Fostering a national forum for networking and sharing best practices.

How to Apply for the 2024 GCIP Nigeria Accelerator

To participate in the 2024 GCIP Nigeria Accelerator, your team must be represented by at least two committed members. Here’s how to apply:

  1. Complete Section 1 of the Application: Once done, you’ll receive an email with a link to continue the application.
  2. Finish the Application: You can resume the application at any time using the provided link or by completing the form at the end of the application page.

Deadline for submission: July 21, 2024

Apply here: GCIP Nigeria Accelerator Application

By launching the CIEE, Nigeria is making a significant investment in its future, promoting innovation, supporting SMEs, and addressing climate change.

This initiative not only aims to bolster the cleantech sector but also to create a robust ecosystem that supports sustainable development and economic growth.

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