Apply For AgroHack Challenge 2024 (Win Up To N1,000,000)

Applications for AgroHack Challenge 2024 are now open, a call for innovative thinkers in the agricultural industry who can share their new ideas.

This challenge aims to accelerate these ideas and turn them into possibilities that would change the destinies of many young Nigerians who engage in farming.

The primary objective of the AgroHack Challenge is to bring together unprecedented solutions that can lead to a remarkable transformation in the agricultural sector. Consequently, it intends to increase productivity and profitability for farmers, create more employment, and improve the food security situation across Nigeria.

Benefits Of AgroHack Challenge 2024

  • Those competing at the AgroHack Challenge can win up to N1 million.
  • The challenge features a complete package, including an intense accelerator program, a five-day boot camp for entrepreneurs, and mentorship from many international professionals’ panels.
  • Furthermore, they will avail themselves of business support services, contacts with investors, and possibilities for new markets where their start-up enterprises shall operate under favorable conditions.

Who Can Apply?

For application eligibility, the candidates must run an agriculture venture that is totally female-driven. They ought to be aged from 18 – 35 years, have at least a couple of employees, and also possess either an inventive or expandable agricultural business concept that encompasses any activity ranging from farming and crop raising to food supply. It should be something that can lead to a major change in society, affect a nation or region, or even become international news. Moreover, applicants are required to possess the minimum viable product, a distinct customer niche, and some form of market traction.

Key Dates to Remember

The application process starts on Thursday, August 1st, 2024, and will close on Monday, October 7th, 2024.

How to Apply for AgroHack Challenge 2024

Interested in participating? Click here to apply.

For more information, visit the AgroHack Challenge website.

Apply For AgroHack Challenge 2024 (Win Up To N1,000,000)

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