Application Call For Commonwealth Scholarships 2024-2025

Application Call For Commonwealth Scholarships 2024-2025

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) are currently accepting application for the Commonwealth Scholarships 2024/2025. Commonwealth Scholarships are awarded to talented individuals with the potential to make a positive impact on the global stage. Commonwealth Scholarships are managed by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK.

Approximately 700 students are offered the opportunity to pursue postgraduate degrees at UK universities every year as part of the UK’s continuous commitment to the Commonwealth.

About Commonwealth Scholarships

Commonwealth Scholarships are aimed at students from across the Commonwealth who would not otherwise be able to afford to study in the UK. By funding postgraduate studies in a range of different study formats, the scheme helps to support future innovators and leaders.

This historic award is the UK’s primary scholarship scheme focused on contributing to the UK’s international development aims. It is designed to attract outstanding talent to UK universities while supporting sustainable development overseas.

If you are from a Commonwealth country such as Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Togo, Zambia, Cameroon, etc. and believe you could make a difference in the world but you can’t afford to fund your UK studies on your own, then you could be the ideal candidate for a Commonwealth Scholarship.

Who Are Qualified To Apply?

  1. To apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship, you must be a citizen or permanent resident of a Commonwealth country. You will still be eligible if you are a refugee or a British-protected person.
  2. You need to have an undergraduate honours degree of at least upper second class (2:1). If you wish to study a PhD, you will need an appropriate master’s degree too.
  3. Finally, you must be unable to afford to study in the UK without a scholarship.

What Types of Scholarships are Available?

The Commonwealth Scholarships Commission (CSC) offers:

  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for least developed countries and fragile states)
  • Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships (for low and middle-income countries)
  • Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships
  • Commonwealth Shared Scholarships
  • Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for high-income countries)
  • Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

How To Apply

Depending on which scholarship you are applying for, you may need to apply through a National Nominating Agency, a university, or a Non-Governmental Organisation. Kindly visit CSC apply page to find out how to apply for each of the scholarships.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Financial Assistance is Available?

Most scholarships are fully financed, which means that in addition to tuition, you will receive flights to and from the UK, as well as a living allowance to support you while you are here.

What Do I Need to Apply For Commonwealth Scholarships?

To begin your online application, you’ll need a scanned copy of your passport, your academic transcript, your existing university degree certificate, two references and, if you have one, your admission letter.

What is the Deadline for Applications?

Annual deadlines for applications are usually in December.

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