How To Apply For UN Jobs In Nigeria

How To Apply For UN Jobs In Nigeria

Are you aiming to make a significant impact on the world? Working with influential organization like the United Nations (UN) can help you achieve that goal.

However, the path to securing a job in these prestigious organizations can be challenging.

This guide will provide you with practical advice and strategies to help you successfully navigate the UN job application process.

Part 1: Scoping Opportunities

Starting a career with the United Nations is an aspiration many people hold dear. The UN’s mission to promote global peace, safeguard human rights, and support sustainable development attracts individuals who are eager to make a meaningful difference. However, the journey to securing a job within the UN can be complex and competitive.

Here are some essential steps to guide you through your first UN job application.

Understand the UN System

The UN is a multifaceted organization comprising various agencies, funds, and programs, each with a distinct focus area such as health (WHO), children (UNICEF), refugees (UNHCR), and food security (WFP). Before applying, it’s crucial to research and identify which agency aligns best with your skills and interests. This understanding will enable you to tailor your application to the specific needs and goals of the agency.

Meet the Basic Requirements

Every UN job posting has detailed requirements, such as education levels, relevant work experience, language skills, and key competencies. Ensure that you meet these basic criteria before applying. The UN generally seeks applicants who have at least a bachelor’s degree, are fluent in either English or French, and possess professional work experience. Additionally, demonstrating your ability to work in multicultural environments can significantly enhance your application.

Customize Your Application

Generic applications rarely make an impact. Craft your resume and cover letter to highlight the skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the job you want. Use the UN’s competency framework as a guide to present your experiences, showcasing your abilities in teamwork, communication, accountability, and creativity.

Highlight Your Commitment to UN Values

The UN highly values integrity, professionalism, and respect for diversity, so make sure your application demonstrates your dedication to these principles. Include examples of how you have embodied these principles in your professional or volunteer work, such as leading diverse teams, participating in community service, or engaging in continuous learning.

Prepare for Competency-Based Interviews

If your application progresses, you will likely face a competency-based interview. These interviews are designed to assess your ability to apply your skills and knowledge in scenarios that reflect the UN’s values and job-specific competencies. Prepare by reviewing the UN’s competency framework and thinking of concrete examples from your past experiences that demonstrate these competencies.

Be Patient and Persistent

Applying for a job at the UN can be a lengthy and challenging journey. Once you’ve submitted your application, you might have to wait several months to hear back. Use this time to continue building your skills, networking, and exploring volunteer opportunities that align with the UN’s mission. Persistence is key; even if you are not successful on your first attempt, each application is a learning experience that brings you closer to your goal.

Leverage Networking and Continuous Learning

Networking can be a valuable tool in your journey towards a UN career. Reach out to current and past UN employees via professional networking platforms, UN events, or relevant seminars and webinars. These connections can give you valuable insights into the UN’s work culture, offer advice for your application, and sometimes alert you to new opportunities. Also, keep learning by taking UN-related online courses or language classes to strengthen your qualifications for future positions.

Generalist vs. Specialist: Defining Your Role

When considering a career with the UN, it’s important to understand that program or thematic career paths may offer limited opportunities for generalists. The UN often seeks specialists in specific areas such as climate change mitigation or child protection. However, generalists may find opportunities in operations and administration roles, which include finance, logistics, and HR management.

Assessing Your Risk Tolerance

If you are interested in working for the UN in challenging environments, consider the risks involved. Though volunteer or junior specialist positions might be available, internships are usually not offered in locations where family members cannot join. Pursuing opportunities in these complex environments can accelerate your professional development.

Monitoring Macro Trends and Funding Flows

Keep up-to-date with major trends and funding changes to predict new program initiatives. For instance, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine may not attract substantial funding indefinitely. When the conflict is over, rebuilding efforts will need a wide range of skills and expertise. Learning the Ukrainian language now could position you as a unique candidate and increase your opportunities in the next decade or more.

Understanding Quotas

When looking at potential roles, find out about the quotas organizations have for their full-time staff. This information can be valuable when applying for new positions within the organization.

Part 2: Navigating Your First United Nations Job Application: Tips for Success

In this part of our guide, we’ll walk you through the detailed steps of crafting and submitting your first job application for the United Nations. Following these steps will enhance your chances of standing out and securing your desired position.

Understanding Minimum Requirements

Before applying, take the time to thoroughly review the minimum requirements for the job. The UN receives a high volume of strong applications, so meeting these basic criteria is essential to move forward. If you don’t meet all the requirements, consider pursuing internship or volunteer opportunities to build the necessary skills and qualifications before applying for jobs that might overlook your application.

Evaluating Desired Requirements

Once you meet the minimum requirements, look at the desired qualifications for the role. Determine which ones you meet and make a note of them. The more of these criteria you fulfill, the better your chances of landing the job. If you’re missing some qualifications, consider working on those areas, as they will likely be useful for future applications as well.

Preparing Your P11 Form in Advance

The UN uses a standard P11 application form for all its organizations. This form is usually filled out electronically, but some internships might require a different format. Always use the P11 form when asked to submit a resume, as recruiters are familiar with it and it helps your application stand out.

Leveraging the T-Table and CARL Techniques

Two effective techniques for writing your UN job application are the T-Table and CARL methods.

  • T-Table Method: Helps you pinpoint key points in the job description and align your application accordingly.
  • CARL Framework: An organized way to present your experience:
    • C: Context – Describe the situation or task.
    • A: Activity – The actions you took.
    • R: Results – Highlight the outcomes of your actions.
    • L: Learning – Discuss what you learned from the experience.

For higher-level positions, you might add an “I” for the impact achieved after completing a task.

How to Apply for UN Jobs in Nigeria

To apply for a United Nations job, start by visiting their website. Explore the Job Openings and select a role that interests you and matches your experience and qualifications. Begin the process by selecting “Apply Now” on the Job Description page.

On that page, you will find step-by-step instructions for applying under the Application Process, as well as guidelines for completing application forms and preparing for an interview. You will also find information about assessments for UN jobs under Information about Assessments, Examinations, and Tests.





Landing your first job at the United Nations is a lofty goal that requires thorough preparation, patience, and a strong commitment to the UN’s mission. By understanding how the UN operates, customizing your application to reflect its values and competencies, and engaging in continuous learning and networking, you’re paving the way for a rewarding career that contributes to global peace, development, and security.

Keep in mind that every step in the application process is a chance to learn and grow, bringing you closer to your goal of making a positive impact on the world.

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