How To Make Liquid Soap For Business In Nigeria

How To Make Liquid Soap For Business In Nigeria 

Liquid soap is a versatile and effective cleaning product suitable for various household tasks, from washing dishes to cleaning floors and even your car.

Crafting your own liquid soap at home can be a rewarding and cost-effective endeavor.

This detailed guide will walk you through the process of making 25 liters of liquid soap, ensuring you understand each step and the necessary safety precautions.

How To Make Liquid Soap

Soap making involves a chemical reaction known as saponification, where oils or fats react with an alkali to produce soap and glycerin. The type of oil or fat used significantly affects the soap’s properties.

For instance, coconut oil yields a hard, cleansing soap, whereas olive oil results in a softer, moisturizing soap. Accurate measurement of ingredients and following the recipe precisely are crucial for a successful outcome.

Safety Considerations

  • Working with lye, whether it’s sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, poses significant risks as it can cause serious burns.
  • Always wear protective gloves, goggles, and clothing.
  • Ensure you work in a well-ventilated area, away from children and pets.
  • Always add lye to water, not the other way around, to avoid a dangerous reaction. Allow the soap to cure for several weeks before use to ensure safety.

Gathering Materials

List of Ingredients

To prepare 25 liters of liquid soap, get the following ingredients::

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): 125g
  • Caustic Soda: 250g
  • Soda Ash: 500g
  • Nitrosol: 125g
  • Texapon: 250g
  • Sulfonic Acid: 75cl
  • Foam Booster: 250g
  • Perfume: 62.5g
  • Color: As desired
  • Sunflower Oil: 16 1/2 ounces
  • Coconut Oil: 7 ounces
  • Potassium Hydroxide (KOH): 5 1/2 ounces
  • Distilled Water: 56 1/2 ounces (16 1/2 ounces for lye mixture and 40 ounces to dilute soap paste)

Equipment Needed

You will also need the following equipment:

  • Large slow cooker
  • Thermometer
  • Scale
  • Measuring cups
  • Stick blender
  • Potato masher and/or flat whisk

Preparation Process

Measuring Ingredients

Accurate measurement is crucial for the soap-making process. Here’s how to measure your ingredients for 25 liters of liquid soap:

  • Nitro: 1 liter
  • Caustic Soda: 1.5 kg
  • Sulphonic Acid: 2 liters
  • Soda Ash: 1.5 kg
  • STPP: 1 kg
  • Texapon: 1 kg
  • SLS: 1 kg
  • Perfume: 100 ml

Mixing Solutions

  1. Prepare Water: Divide 25 liters of water into two portions.
  2. Dissolve Nitro: Mix 1 liter of Nitro with 15 liters of water.
  3. Dissolve Caustic Soda: Mix 1.5 kg of Caustic Soda in the remaining 10 liters of water.
  4. Combine Ingredients: Add Sulphonic Acid, Soda Ash, STPP, Texapon, and SLS to the caustic soda solution. Mix until completely dissolved.
  5. Mix Solutions: Gradually pour the caustic soda mixture into the Nitro mixture while stirring continuously for 30 minutes.
  6. Add Perfume: Stir in 100 ml of perfume and continue mixing for another 10 minutes.
  7. Rest: Allow the mixture to rest by covering it and letting it sit undisturbed for 24 hours.

Saponification Stage

Combining Oils and Lye

  1. Heat Oils: Heat the measured oils (Sunflower and Coconut) to 50-60°C.
  2. Cool Lye: Dissolve Potassium Hydroxide in water and cool it to 30-40°C.
  3. Mix: Slowly combine the cooled lye solution with the heated oils, stirring continuously until homogeneous.

Monitoring the Reaction

During saponification, the mixture will thicken and become opaque. Keep stirring the mixture continuously and monitor the reaction closely to avoid overheating. If needed, add more water to reach the desired consistency..

Dilution and Additives

Diluting the Concentrate

To dilute the liquid soap concentrate:

  1. Determine Ratio: For general cleaning purposes, dilute the soap using a 1:4 ratio (1 part soap concentrate to 4 parts water). For heavy-duty cleaning, use a 1:2 ratio.
  2. Mix: Add the required amount of distilled or filtered water to the concentrate and stir well.

Incorporating Additives

Customize your liquid soap with additives:

  • Essential Oils: 10-20 drops per 500ml for fragrance.
  • Glycerin: 1-2 tablespoons per 500ml to enhance moisturizing properties.
  • Citric Acid: 1-2 teaspoons per 500ml to adjust pH levels and improve cleaning ability.

Curing and Quality Control

Curing Process

Let the soap cure for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This ensures full saponification and safety for use.

Testing the Final Product

  1. pH Testing: Use pH strips to ensure the soap’s pH is between 8 and 10.
  2. Skin Patch Test: Apply a small amount to the inner forearm for 24 hours to check for irritation.
  3. Quality Check: Verify consistency, scent, and color. Adjust the recipe if needed for future batches.

Packaging and Storage

Bottle Selection

Choose bottles made of corrosion-resistant materials like plastic, glass, or metal. Ensure they are large enough and have wide openings for easy dispensing.

Labeling and Sealing

Label each bottle with the soap’s name, ingredients, and manufacturing date. Use appropriate sealing methods, such as pumps, corks, or screw caps, to prevent contamination and leakage.

Scaling Production

Batch Production Tips

  1. Maintain Consistency: Measure ingredients accurately and follow the recipe closely.
  2. Streamline Steps: Prepare ingredients in advance and measure them into separate containers to speed up the process.

Equipment Upgrades

Consider the following equipment upgrades for large-scale production:

  • Mixer: For thorough blending of ingredients.
  • Larger Production Vessel: Such as a 50-liter drum to increase efficiency.
  • Pumps and Automated Filling Machines: To expedite the transfer and packaging processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the required ingredients for producing commercial liquid soap? To manufacture commercial liquid soap, you will need the following ingredients: Nitrosol or Antisol, Caustic Soda, Sulphonic Acid, Soda Ash, Texapon, SLS, STPP, and Formalin. These materials can be easily sourced from chemical suppliers.

Could you give a detailed guide on how to produce large quantities of liquid soap? Certainly! Here is a detailed process for making 25 liters of liquid soap:

  1. Combine 1/8 kg of Nitrosol or Antisol with 10 liters of water, mixing thoroughly.
  2. Dissolve 1/16 kg of Caustic Soda in 5 liters of water and integrate it into the Nitrosol solution.
  3. In a separate container, dissolve 1/4kg of Soda Ash in 5 liters of water and then add this solution to the combined Nitrosol and Caustic Soda mixture.
  4. Add 1/2 kg of Sulphonic Acid to the mixture and stir until well blended.
  5. Mix 1/2 kg of Texapon, 1/4 kg of SLS, and 1/4 kg of STPP, ensuring continuous stirring.
  6. Finally, add 1/4 liter of Formalin and mix thoroughly.
  7. Let the mixture cool and settle for 24 hours.

What are the most effective methods for increasing liquid soap production to meet retail demands? To scale up liquid soap production for retail, consider the following:

  • Invest in larger, more efficient equipment.
  • Increase your inventory of raw materials.
  • Streamline your production process to enhance efficiency.
  • Ensure compliance with all regulatory standards.
  • Consulting with experts can provide valuable insights to ensure a smooth scaling process.

What are the vital raw materials needed to produce premium-quality liquid soap? Key raw materials for producing high-quality liquid soap include Nitrosol or Antisol, Caustic Soda, Sulphonic Acid, Soda Ash, Texapon, SLS, STPP, and Formalin. These components are crucial for the soap’s cleaning and foaming properties.

How can you maintain uniformity when manufacturing liquid soap on a large scale? To maintain consistency in bulk liquid soap production:

  • Precisely measure all ingredients.
  • Adhere strictly to a standardized production process.
  • Conduct regular product testing to ensure quality standards are met.

What is the suggested dilution ratio for liquid soap intended for various applications? The recommended dilution ratio varies based on the intended use:

  • For hand washing, use a ratio of 1 part soap concentrate to 4 parts water (1:4).
  • For dishwashing, it is strongly advised to dilute 1 part of soap concentrate with 10 parts of water, resulting in an effective 1:10 ratio.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when diluting liquid soap.

How do you thicken liquid soap? You can thicken liquid soap by adding sodium chloride (table salt) or a saline solution. This addition not only thickens the soap but also enhances its de-greasing capabilities, improving its overall cleaning power.

Learning to make liquid soap is straightforward and has been adopted by many households in Nigeria due to its cost-effectiveness. Use the provided recipes to produce high-quality liquid soap at home.

DISCLAIMER: This article is for general informational purposes only and does not consider individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or assistance and should not be relied upon for making decisions. Any actions taken based on the information in this article are strictly at your own risk.


Making liquid soap at home is a rewarding and practical skill. By following this detailed guide, you can produce 25 liters of high-quality liquid soap, customized to your preferences and needs. Whether for personal use or scaling up for commercial purposes, understanding the process and taking necessary precautions ensures a successful and safe soap-making experience.

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